Thursday, May 7, 2009

They'll Never Get Me.....

Just yesterday I read I really great post by Setema. Here is the website address if you want to go read it

The phrase "They'll Never Get Me" he heard from his friend and he asked his friend what he meant by that. The friend said "THEY could take his possessions, his things, his clients and everything else but ‘they’ would never get him. He would always be moving forward and choosing his actions and reactions rather than letting other people and other things choose it for him." Thinking about "They'll never get me" is so true. We all go through a lot in life and we let our natural reaction or intial reaction take over. We let those around us affect the outcome of alot in life. In sports you often hear "The coach doesn't like or the coach has his favorites" or "My boss plays favorites" or "If I just had this then I would be ready to succeed" and many other phrases of doubt or we all know to be excuses.
Personally speaking I have been through and continue to go through a trials in life. It brings me to my post here today. Analyzing my life these past couple of days I have learned a lot. I used to think that I can get through these trials because nothing compares to what I have been through. You know what I was wrong! Seriously wrong! I am the type of person that likes to hold things to myself and keep it there. I feel I am strong enough person to get past all the crap by myself. Recently I realized I can't! Latly I have been playing the victim. Nothing is my fault. I am doing all that I can and your not doing enough or I just tell myself if I can make to next week then things are going to be better. That was wrong of me.
Going through my situation I haven't been doing the best of job on my part. There is many things that I need to change! I have been doing just the minimal in life and feeling sorry for myself. Thinking that I shouldn't be here and I deserve better. Which I know needs to stop. I been making to many excuse and not producing enough results. So as I go through this trial I am going to be making my course correction and getting back on the right path. I honestly feel I have been selling myself and others that I love short because I haven't been doing my best! I know I am capable of alot more and I know I will be producing more results than giving more excuses that I have been. So I am going to make it my goal from today on to "Really Live" and take my life in to my own hands and stop putting on it others why I am where I am. I am going to do all that I can to make sure I get where I need to be. Let it be known that it doesn't matter what it takes in life for me to really live because "They'll never get me!"
So I as I start my "course correction" I know it is going to be a challenge. I know I am going to meet the challenge. So if any of you are like me feel free to join me in making a course correction in life. No better time then the present to make life a greater one. Don't wait for trial like I did to change. Just do the damn thing, but really do it. Start with the little and then work the the big one.
Anyways gots to roll. I will back on my sound board tomorrow!


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